Events List

DateEvent TypeSpeaker
02/03/2025CCPP Brown BagJeremy Tinker [ + ]
02/04/2025Astro SeminarLizhong Zhang [ + ]
02/04/2025Cosmic Happy HourZubair Bhatti [ + ]
02/05/2025HEP SeminarYuri Gershtein [ + ]
02/06/2025Physics Dept ColloquiumAlberto Nicolis [ + ]
02/07/2025Hep-Th Discussion SessionCalkins [ + ]
02/10/2025CCPP Brown BagEmily Davis + Ken Van Tilburg [ + ]
02/11/2025Astro SeminarKatie Breivik [ + ]
02/12/2025HEP SeminarRichard Nally [ + ]
02/13/2025Physics Dept ColloquiumAndrew Mills [ + ]
02/14/2025Hep-Th Discussion SessionCalkins [ + ]
02/17/2025Holiday [ + ]
02/18/2025Astro SeminarRuby Byrne [ + ]
02/19/2025HEP SeminarNetta Engelhardt [ + ]
02/20/2025Astro SeminarDrummond Fielding [ + ]
02/20/2025Physics Dept ColloquiumMichael Shelley [ + ]
02/21/2025Hep-Th Discussion SessionCalkins [ + ]
02/24/2025CCPP Brown BagCara Giovanetti [ + ]
02/25/2025Astro SeminarAlexandru Lupsasca [ + ]
02/26/2025HEP SeminarSanjay Reddy [ + ]
02/27/2025Physics Dept ColloquiumKarri Dipetrillo [ + ]
02/28/2025Informal HEP TalkJordan Cotler [ + ]
02/28/2025Hep-Th Discussion SessionCalkins [ + ]
03/04/2025Astro SeminarJJ Zanazzi [ + ]
03/05/2025HEP SeminarGiorgio Gratta [ + ]
03/06/2025Astro SeminarJanosz Dewberry [ + ]
03/06/2025Physics Dept ColloquiumGiorgi Gratta [ + ]
03/07/2025Hep-Th Discussion SessionCalkins [ + ]
03/10/2025CCPP Brown BagJesse Liu [ + ]
03/12/2025HEP SeminarJunwu Huang [ + ]
03/13/2025Physics Dept ColloquiumCora Dvorkin [ + ]
03/14/2025Hep-Th Discussion SessionCalkins [ + ]
03/19/2025HEP SeminarDaniel Harlow [ + ]
03/21/2025Hep-Th Discussion SessionCalkins [ + ]
03/24/2025Holiday [ + ]
03/25/2025Holiday [ + ]
03/26/2025Holiday [ + ]
03/27/2025Holiday [ + ]
03/28/2025Holiday [ + ]
03/28/2025Hep-Th Discussion SessionCalkins [ + ]
04/02/2025HEP SeminarCsaba Csaki [ + ]
04/04/2025Hep-Th Discussion SessionCalkins [ + ]
04/09/2025HEP SeminarLorenzo Ricci [ + ]
04/10/2025Physics Dept ColloquiumJesse Thaler [ -- ]

Title: Centaur Science: Particle Physics meets Machine Learning
Abstract: Modern machine learning has had an outsized impact on many scientific fields, and particle physics is no exception. What is special about particle physics, though, is the vast amount of theoretical knowledge that we already have about many problems in the field, as well as the daunting deluge of data coming from flagship experiments like the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). In this colloquium, I will explain how one can teach a machine to "think like a physicist" by embedding theoretical principles into advanced machine learning architectures. At the same time, I will advocate that physicists must learn how to "think like a machine" to maximize the physics reach of the LHC. These joint developments are leading to a new kind of "centaur science" that, analogously to the mythical centaur, draws half from particle physics and half from machine learning. (4:00 PM - 5:30 PM, 726 Broadway, 940, CCPP Seminar)
04/11/2025Hep-Th Discussion SessionCalkins [ + ]
04/16/2025HEP SeminarMichael Baker [ + ]
04/18/2025Hep-Th Discussion SessionCalkins [ + ]
04/21/2025CCPP Brown BagMarius Kongsore [ + ]
04/23/2025HEP SeminarGiovanni Villadoro [ + ]
04/25/2025Hep-Th Discussion SessionCalkins [ + ]
04/28/2025CCPP Brown BagMarcus DuPont [ + ]
04/30/2025HEP SeminarDan Green [ + ]
05/02/2025Hep-Th Discussion SessionCalkins [ + ]
05/09/2025Hep-Th Discussion SessionCalkins [ + ]