Personal Information

Anirban Roy
Postdoctoral fellow, CCPP, NYU, 2023 - present
Postdoctoral Fellow, Cornell University, 2019- 2023
PhD in Astrophysics and Cosmology, SISSA, Trieste, Italy, 2015-2019
M.Sc. in Physics, The University of Burdwan, India, 2013-2015
B.Sc. in Physics, Asutosh College, Calcutta University, India, 2010-2013
Contact Information
Email:ar8816 AT
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CCPP Advisor:Anthony Pullen
Anirban's research spans several areas, including the cosmic microwave background, the formation of cosmic structures, multi-line intensity mapping, and the phenomenon of cosmic reionization. He is currently engaged in the development of tools for intensity mapping experiments, aimed at analyzing observational data to constrain astrophysical and cosmological parameters. Anirban is a member of CMB experiments, including Simons Observatory, CMB-S4, and CMB-Bharat, as well as line intensity mapping experiments such as Cerro Chajnantor Atacama Telescope (CCAT).